Informacije in opis: Appartamento Blizu Lucca v Toscana, Capannori

Instantna Rezervacija
  12 Kraji z ležišči

Nepremičnina je idealen dom za sprostitev. Zgrajena iz kamna v zgodnjih 1900-ih v Capannoriju pri Lucci, obnovljena leta 2003 ob upoštevanju njegovih prvotnih značilnosti, mandolatov, lesenih tramov in kamnitih zidov.
Prvotno tam, kjer so zdaj stanovanja, sta bila hlev in hlev.

Hiša se nahaja na toskanskem podeželju, nekaj... Oglejte si Drugo

Nepremičnina je idealen dom za sprostitev. Zgrajena iz kamna v zgodnjih 1900-ih v Capannoriju pri Lucci, obnovljena leta 2003 ob upoštevanju njegovih prvotnih značilnosti, mandolatov, lesenih tramov in kamnitih zidov.
Prvotno tam, kjer so zdaj stanovanja, sta bila hlev in hlev.

Hiša se nahaja na toskanskem podeželju, nekaj kilometrov od zgodovinskega središča Lucce. Rojstni kraj maestra Giacoma Puccinija. Eden od načinov, kako najbolje obiskati Lucco, je, da jo pogledate od zgoraj in se za to preprosto povzpnete na njene mogočne stene, na stolp Guinigi ali se povzpnete na 207 stopnic Torre delle Ore. S teh krajev lahko občudujete čudovit razgled na strehe toskanskega mesta. V kratkem času lahko dosežete toskanska umetniška mesta, kot so Siena, Volterra, San Gimignano, Firence in Pisa, če naštejemo le nekatere.

Počitniška hiša sprejema goste v treh apartmajih, opremljenih z lastno kopalnico in kuhinjo, ki lahko sprejme od dve do šest oseb, ali pa izkoristite tri sobe, ki se lahko uporabljajo kot dvo ali enoposteljne s skupno kopalnico, v hiši Paola in David. Zunaj je vrt opremljen s stoli, mizami, žarom in bazenom.

To je idealen kraj za mir, tišino in čudovito dobrodošlico. Vabljeni 4-nožni prijatelji, opremljeni s povodcem.

Skrij besedilo


Average review score

  • 9.1
    Ujema se z opisom na internetu
  • 9.2
  • 9.3
    Vrednost za denar
  • 9.5
  • 9.2
    Infrastrukturne storitve
  • 9.6
    Lastnik / Osebje

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Izberite svojo namestitev

Izberite svojo namestitev

Thu, 30 Jan 2025
Thu, 30 Jan 2025
30 Jan - 30 Jan
Odrasli Otroci
- Skladišče €

Vrsta namestitve Price for 0 nights
Kraji z ležišči
for 0 nights
Select your accommodation Lodgings

Podrobnosti in Storitve

Na voljo na alternativne datume
Kraji z ležišči
  • Total: € 0
  • You have to select at least one accommodation to proceed with your reservation

V namestitvene enote razporedite goste

Please, tell us how you would like to allocate your traveling companions in the following accommodations, in order to give the owner all the indications he needs to prepare the lodgings, as well as to provide you with a precise estimate of your stay.

cena €
Appartamento xxxxxxxxx
SKUPNA CENA € 1.111€
Potrebne storitve
Your dates are highly demanded and the property seems not to be available; please, see below the alternative dates or check the availability with the owner sending him your request .

Your dates are highly demanded and the property has a limited availability; if you don't like the accommodations proposed, ask the owner for alternative solutions sending him your request.

Potrebne storitve
  • Total: € NASLEDNJI

Na voljo za prilagodljive datume

The search with flexible dates has found also the following availabilities in the property. Please look for which dates you prefer and make your reservation.

Enter your request

4tourism S.r.l., as data controller, will process the personal data provided with this form, mainly in computerized and telematic form, based on Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (RGPD). In particular, for the execution by the visiting user of the search for accommodation or travel packages and for the activities related to it. If specifically requested, registered/personal data may also be used to inform you of promotions and events or other initiatives of particular interest.

The conferment to the processing of the present data is necessary, their non-insertion or authorization to the treatment, will not allow to complete the procedure, as well as the execution of the service.

In this regard, it is specified that, in order to provide a better service to the user, 4tourism S.r.l. reserves the right to make the request made by the user visible to properties similar to the one requested, without however sending them the user's email address or personal data. This service has the only purpose of guaranteeing the user, a better and more complete evaluation of the stay proposals available, for their own vacation days. Personal data will be processed for the time necessary to carry out the requested function and for the related instrumental and documentary functions; subsequently the data will be treated, in a completely anonymous way for internal statistics, for the time required by the laws in force (maximum 10 years), unless there is an explicit request for cancellation of the same data, by the user.

Personal data will be processed exclusively by our employees, external collaborators and/or external companies appointed as data processors; The personal data provided (email and telephone number) by our users, will be communicated to the properties present on our portal, or anyway Sites or Social belonging to 4tourism Srl, only after the user has finalized the booking, at only to satisfy the service request made by the user;

Politika zasebnosti

Prijavite se na naše novice in prejmite naše ponudbe in najnovejše novice Novice.

4tourism S.r.l., as data controller, will process the personal data provided with this form, mainly in computerized and telematic form, based on Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (RGPD). In particular, for the execution by the visiting user of the search for accommodation or travel packages and for the activities related to it. If specifically requested, registered/personal data may also be used to inform you of promotions and events or other initiatives of particular interest.

The conferment to the processing of the present data is necessary, their non-insertion or authorization to the treatment, will not allow to complete the procedure, as well as the execution of the service.

In this regard, it is specified that, in order to provide a better service to the user, 4tourism S.r.l. reserves the right to make the request made by the user visible to properties similar to the one requested, without however sending them the user's email address or personal data. This service has the only purpose of guaranteeing the user, a better and more complete evaluation of the stay proposals available, for their own vacation days. Personal data will be processed for the time necessary to carry out the requested function and for the related instrumental and documentary functions; subsequently the data will be treated, in a completely anonymous way for internal statistics, for the time required by the laws in force (maximum 10 years), unless there is an explicit request for cancellation of the same data, by the user.

Personal data will be processed exclusively by our employees, external collaborators and/or external companies appointed as data processors; The personal data provided (email and telephone number) by our users, will be communicated to the properties present on our portal, or anyway Sites or Social belonging to 4tourism Srl, only after the user has finalized the booking, at only to satisfy the service request made by the user;

Politika zasebnosti

Vnesite osebne podatke


Thu, 30 Jan 2025

Thu, 30 Jan 2025




Best price

No additional costs

Takojšnja potrditev


Thu, 30 Jan 2025

Thu, 30 Jan 2025




Best price

No additional costs

Takojšnja potrditev

Pozor, pojavila se je napaka!

Vnos osebnih informacij

4tourism S.r.l., as data controller, will process the personal data provided with this form, mainly in computerized and telematic form, based on Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (RGPD). In particular, for the execution by the visiting user of the search for accommodation or travel packages and for the activities related to it. If specifically requested, registered/personal data may also be used to inform you of promotions and events or other initiatives of particular interest.

The conferment to the processing of the present data is necessary, their non-insertion or authorization to the treatment, will not allow to complete the procedure, as well as the execution of the service.

In this regard, it is specified that, in order to provide a better service to the user, 4tourism S.r.l. reserves the right to make the request made by the user visible to properties similar to the one requested, without however sending them the user's email address or personal data. This service has the only purpose of guaranteeing the user, a better and more complete evaluation of the stay proposals available, for their own vacation days. Personal data will be processed for the time necessary to carry out the requested function and for the related instrumental and documentary functions; subsequently the data will be treated, in a completely anonymous way for internal statistics, for the time required by the laws in force (maximum 10 years), unless there is an explicit request for cancellation of the same data, by the user.

Personal data will be processed exclusively by our employees, external collaborators and/or external companies appointed as data processors; The personal data provided (email and telephone number) by our users, will be communicated to the properties present on our portal, or anyway Sites or Social belonging to 4tourism Srl, only after the user has finalized the booking, at only to satisfy the service request made by the user;

Politika zasebnosti

All Accommodations

Razpoložljive Storitve

Enota za splošne zadeve

Lastnik prisoten
Zunanja razsvetljava
Končno čiščenje
Kolesa so na voljo
Dodatno ležišče
Ni na voljo v vseh nastanitvah 

Tehnološke storitve

Wi-Fi v vseh sobah

Športne storitve


Pay services - Ki se določi na mestu

Izposoja koles

Dodatna plačane storitve

Dodatno ležišče
10.00 € na dan

Storitve v bližini

1 Km Bar - Kavarna
1 Km Trgovina z živili
2 Km Bus - Tramvaj
4 Km Kemik
4 Km Jahanje
4 Km Supermarket
6 Km Restavracija-Pizzeria
7 Km Železniška postaja
9 Km Tenis
11 Km Središče mesta
11 Km Nakupovalno središče
12 Km Bolnišnica
28 Km Morje
30 Km Gora

Govorni jeziki

Govorijo nemško Deutsch
Govorijo angleško English
Govorijo francosko Français
Govorijo italijansko Italiano

Pogoji in zahteve - Capannori 2262 - CIN: IT046007B49ZGFRPUA

Deposit rules

Za rezervacijo je potreben depozit v znesku 40%. of the total amount.

Pri rezervaciji nastanitev, če uporabljate Instant rezervacijski postopek na internetu, zaščiten s Potrdilo Ssl, račun za potrditev rezervacije, se zaračuna 4tourism srl.
4Tourism s.r.l società unipersonale
Via S.Antioco 70 - 56021 Cascina (PI) - Codice Fiscale 01618980500 - Partita Iva 01618980500
4tourism srl registered in the CCIAA of Pisa nr.141307 owner of the
Travel Agency Tour Operator ..

Metoda za plačilo depozita: Bančno nakazilo

Če želite potrditi svojo rezervacijo, vnesite podatke o kreditni kartici:


 American expressamex




Ravnovesje s predpisi

Celoten znesek bo plačan: ob prihodu

Pla?ilo lahko opravite z: Bančno nakazilo - Cash

Odpoved stroški

V primeru odpovedi do #dneva pred prihodom se zaračuna kazen v višini 40% na celoten znesek.

Preklici od 9 ob prihodu do 0ob prihodu zaračunamo kazen v znesku 100% celotne cene.

V primeru 'zamujenega prihoda' ali 'predčasnega odhoda', politika odpovedi začenši z '0 dni pred prihodom' se bo uporabljala

Hotelska pravila

Prihodi morajo biti med 15:00 - 18:00.

Sobe je potrebno zapustiti najkasneje ob 10:00. Garancija

Best price

100% varna rezervacija

No additional costs


October 2021

“Magnifique base pour la visite de la région. Propriétaires très sympathiques, nombreuses informations pour les restaurants et commerces à proximité.”

François od Switzerland

August 2019

“Paola and David were really nice. We stayed in one of their flat with all we needed for our 4 days here ! The flat was cosy. And there was a fan, perfect for the hot weather!”

Elsa & Steve. od France

August 2019

“The great welcoming from Paula and David. rnThey are extremely kind and that make the moment even better. They are really concern about anything we need. rnThe house is really amazing, charming and perfectly clean.”

Anthony and Julia od France

August 2019

“Very nice and quit environment - small but very clean swimming pool, big enough for the kids to refresh.rnSatisfying kitchen equipment.”

Henk od Belgium

July 2019

“Friendly owners”

Bert od Netherlands

May 2019

“Esprit de famille. Respectueux de la nature. Première expérience avec Agriturismo. Je recommande.”

Odile et Christophe Pambet od France

April 2019

“belle situation dans la campagne de Lucca”

pierre et david od France

August 2018

“MArtha et David sont extrêmement accueillants et toujours prêts à rendre service. De plus ils parlent parfaitement le français ! Les lieux sont tout à fait conformes à la description et parfaitement impeccables. ”

Gau00eblle GOASCOZ de od France

May 2018

“The apartment is very nicely decorated, cosy, quiet and clean. Situated in an idyllic countryside . Close to Lucca (15 minute drive).”

Michie Rachel from od Canada

June 2017

“Accueil très chaleureux, attentionné . Maison très agréable,soignée, joliment décorée et il y a tout ce qu'il faut et plus encore. Les propriétaires ont pensé à tout. le jardin extra fleuri dans le merveilleux environnement qu' est la Toscane. Tout cela très bien situé pour les visites. Nous avons apprécié les conseils de Paola et David pour des ballades originales inconnues des guides touristiques.De vraies belles vacances.”

Claudine BEAU od French Southern Territories