Foto galerija - zunanjost: Appartamenti in Agriturismo Blizu Pescara v Abruzzo, Tocco da casauria

Foto galerija - zunanjost


Kmetijske počitnice so zelo primerne za mlade in družine, saj so vse stanovanje brez nevarnosti, pa tudi opremljene z dvema majhnima zunanjima bazenoma z vhodnimi vrati in plitvo vodo. Poleg tega je prva vas oddaljena manj kot 3 minute vožnje, prve storitve pa so oddaljene nekaj sto metrov.
Vsa območja (notranja in zunanja) so zagotovljena z odlično brezplačno WiFi povezavo s hitrim brskanjem. V našem velikem zasebnem parku s 3 hektarji (7 hektarjev) v turistični sezoni imamo tudi rekreacijsko območje z namiznim tenisom, namiznim nogometom, igriščem za odbojko in mini odbojko, ležalniki, ležalniki, viseče mreže, gugalnice (vse prosto uporabne) in gorska kolesa za najem.
Vrtove oživlja tudi majhen živalski vrt z nekaj domačimi in domačimi živalmi, ki prosto potujejo: "Polpetta", zelo prisrčen in igriv pes zlatega prinašalca (pozornost ... iz "lahkega lizanja"); veliki osel "Tempesta" - Storm, šef (ki pobegne, ko zasliši grmenje); pet ljubkih pritlikavih koz (celo preveč ... nekateri "živijo na dveh nogah", da bi jim bolje ukradli hrano iz rok), štiri "družabne ovce" (vključno z "Mirkom", ki hrano zaleže in "razlasti" s položenih miz ), več mačk (nenavadna mešanica barv, ras in osebnosti ...), nekaj piščancev s prosto rejo (vsi se potegujejo za dragocena jajca, ki jih "ukradejo" iz kokošnjaka) in druge občasne prostoživeče živali (veverice, pavi, divji prašiči - ki so že jedli, ne skrbite, redko jeleni in pozimi volkovi in porcupini - če se ne bojite, vam bomo povedali tudi o nočnem obisku majhnega medveda na našem parkirišču, ko je bilo v gori še preveč veliko snega ...).

Poleg možnih zgoraj opisanih dejavnosti je v okolici tudi nekaj prostorov za otroke in najstnike, ki ponujajo različne storitve. Na primer: center za jahanje oslov; kraj, podoben bio-živalskemu vrtu, z velikimi ograjami za živali, značilne za Apenine, kot so volkovi, orli, jeleni, divji prašiči itd .; konjeniški center za otroke (z jahanjem v naravi ali v naravi); center, ki v popolni varnosti organizira neverjeten spust s kanuji ali tihe vožnje z e-kolesi (z nosilcem za mlajše otroke); itd. Poleg tega je na voljo nešteto ogledov in pohodov, primernih za vse potrebe, od najmlajših do najstarejših, v gorah, ob morju ali v starodavnih in fascinantnih srednjeveških središčih in gradovih Abruzza.
Morje je le 30 minut po ravni in udobni cesti, ponuja pa tudi udobne in dobro opremljene peščene plaže. 40 minut vožnje stran sta 2 čudovita divja morska rezervata.
Kot vedno vam bomo pripravljeni usmerjati in svetovati glede najboljših krajev in glede na posebne potrebe vsakega posebej.
V nekaterih apartmajih je v notranjosti pralni stroj, v drugih je možnost uporabe enega na skupnem mestu. Za dojenčke lahko poleg postelj s stranicami (dolžine 1,35 m) na zahtevo priskrbimo tudi otroški stolček, voziček, nahrbtnik za nošenje otrok.

* Pozimi upoštevajte, da so številne dejavnosti začasno ustavljene.

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Izberite svojo namestitev

Fri, 14 Mar 2025
Fri, 14 Mar 2025
14 Mar - 14 Mar
Odrasli Otroci
- Skladišče €

Vrsta namestitve Price for 0 nights
Kraji z ležišči
for 0 nights
Select your accommodation Lodgings

Podrobnosti in Storitve

Na voljo na alternativne datume
Kraji z ležišči
  • Total: € 0
  • You have to select at least one accommodation to proceed with your reservation

V namestitvene enote razporedite goste

Please, tell us how you would like to allocate your traveling companions in the following accommodations, in order to give the owner all the indications he needs to prepare the lodgings, as well as to provide you with a precise estimate of your stay.

cena €
Appartamento xxxxxxxxx
SKUPNA CENA € 1.111€
Potrebne storitve
Your dates are highly demanded and the property seems not to be available; please, see below the alternative dates or check the availability with the owner sending him your request .

Your dates are highly demanded and the property has a limited availability; if you don't like the accommodations proposed, ask the owner for alternative solutions sending him your request.

Potrebne storitve
  • Total: € NASLEDNJI

Na voljo za prilagodljive datume

The search with flexible dates has found also the following availabilities in the property. Please look for which dates you prefer and make your reservation.

Enter your request

4tourism S.r.l., as data controller, will process the personal data provided with this form, mainly in computerized and telematic form, based on Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (RGPD). In particular, for the execution by the visiting user of the search for accommodation or travel packages and for the activities related to it. If specifically requested, registered/personal data may also be used to inform you of promotions and events or other initiatives of particular interest.

The conferment to the processing of the present data is necessary, their non-insertion or authorization to the treatment, will not allow to complete the procedure, as well as the execution of the service.

In this regard, it is specified that, in order to provide a better service to the user, 4tourism S.r.l. reserves the right to make the request made by the user visible to properties similar to the one requested, without however sending them the user's email address or personal data. This service has the only purpose of guaranteeing the user, a better and more complete evaluation of the stay proposals available, for their own vacation days. Personal data will be processed for the time necessary to carry out the requested function and for the related instrumental and documentary functions; subsequently the data will be treated, in a completely anonymous way for internal statistics, for the time required by the laws in force (maximum 10 years), unless there is an explicit request for cancellation of the same data, by the user.

Personal data will be processed exclusively by our employees, external collaborators and/or external companies appointed as data processors; The personal data provided (email and telephone number) by our users, will be communicated to the properties present on our portal, or anyway Sites or Social belonging to 4tourism Srl, only after the user has finalized the booking, at only to satisfy the service request made by the user;

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Prijavite se na naše novice in prejmite naše ponudbe in najnovejše novice Novice.

4tourism S.r.l., as data controller, will process the personal data provided with this form, mainly in computerized and telematic form, based on Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (RGPD). In particular, for the execution by the visiting user of the search for accommodation or travel packages and for the activities related to it. If specifically requested, registered/personal data may also be used to inform you of promotions and events or other initiatives of particular interest.

The conferment to the processing of the present data is necessary, their non-insertion or authorization to the treatment, will not allow to complete the procedure, as well as the execution of the service.

In this regard, it is specified that, in order to provide a better service to the user, 4tourism S.r.l. reserves the right to make the request made by the user visible to properties similar to the one requested, without however sending them the user's email address or personal data. This service has the only purpose of guaranteeing the user, a better and more complete evaluation of the stay proposals available, for their own vacation days. Personal data will be processed for the time necessary to carry out the requested function and for the related instrumental and documentary functions; subsequently the data will be treated, in a completely anonymous way for internal statistics, for the time required by the laws in force (maximum 10 years), unless there is an explicit request for cancellation of the same data, by the user.

Personal data will be processed exclusively by our employees, external collaborators and/or external companies appointed as data processors; The personal data provided (email and telephone number) by our users, will be communicated to the properties present on our portal, or anyway Sites or Social belonging to 4tourism Srl, only after the user has finalized the booking, at only to satisfy the service request made by the user;

Politika zasebnosti

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Fri, 14 Mar 2025

Fri, 14 Mar 2025




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No additional costs


Fri, 14 Mar 2025

Fri, 14 Mar 2025




Best price

No additional costs

Pozor, pojavila se je napaka!

Vnos osebnih informacij

4tourism S.r.l., as data controller, will process the personal data provided with this form, mainly in computerized and telematic form, based on Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (RGPD). In particular, for the execution by the visiting user of the search for accommodation or travel packages and for the activities related to it. If specifically requested, registered/personal data may also be used to inform you of promotions and events or other initiatives of particular interest.

The conferment to the processing of the present data is necessary, their non-insertion or authorization to the treatment, will not allow to complete the procedure, as well as the execution of the service.

In this regard, it is specified that, in order to provide a better service to the user, 4tourism S.r.l. reserves the right to make the request made by the user visible to properties similar to the one requested, without however sending them the user's email address or personal data. This service has the only purpose of guaranteeing the user, a better and more complete evaluation of the stay proposals available, for their own vacation days. Personal data will be processed for the time necessary to carry out the requested function and for the related instrumental and documentary functions; subsequently the data will be treated, in a completely anonymous way for internal statistics, for the time required by the laws in force (maximum 10 years), unless there is an explicit request for cancellation of the same data, by the user.

Personal data will be processed exclusively by our employees, external collaborators and/or external companies appointed as data processors; The personal data provided (email and telephone number) by our users, will be communicated to the properties present on our portal, or anyway Sites or Social belonging to 4tourism Srl, only after the user has finalized the booking, at only to satisfy the service request made by the user;

Politika zasebnosti

All Accommodations


July 2019

“Excellent situation to visit Abruzzes ideally situated in lovely country Calm in the nature in a historic site Farm animals Swimming pool with great sight on the mountains The owners are really nice friendly and help a lot to find the adapted sight tours or good restaurants We had a lot of funTheir wine and olive oil are just excellent Hollidays with mountains nature see culture and fare niente”

Michael & Chrystelle od France

July 2016

“Accueil des propriétaires. Grande disponibilité. Explications sur les activités et visites à faire dans la région. Très beau jardin avec chaises longues, piscine, table de ping-pong, babyfoot. Excellent endroit pour une famille. Endroit très calme dans la nature.”

Roberto (Switzerland) od

October 2014

“Delightful, restful, gorgeous just like home from home”

essex sally from ipswich (United Kingdom) od

August 2014

“Propriétaires accueillants et attentifs. Ils nous ont donné de très bonnes informations sur la région qui est si magnifique et diverse que nous souhaitons y retourner.”

Anonyme od Belgium